Friday, August 6, 2010

A note on the final project - books for girls

For the final project in our Materials for Tweens course, we were asked to concentrate on a specific genre of books. Since I wanted to read materials I personally would enjoy, I decided to focus on books for girls. I am not always a fan of distinguishing between books for girls and books for boys, but the reality is that certain books immediately appeal to far more girls than boys, with little male crossover into this genre. There are far more girls willing to read a guy-centric book than there are guys are willing to pick up a girl-centric book.

I selected the specific final project items primarily because they either feature female lead characters or because they highlight some of the social, emotional, and physical issues that tween girls are facing. I recognize that there may be boys who have read or would like to read the books I review herein for my final project. I also recognize that some girls will find my selections completely uninteresting.

With that, I really hope you enjoy my selections for tween girls...

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