Friday, August 6, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance (on Fox)

Having been a huge fan of this American Idol spin-off a few seasons back, it was fun to revisit the show with a tween perspective in mind. If the throngs of screaming girls in the audience are any indication, they are the target audience. So You Think You Can Dance shows that ordinary teens can be catapulted to stardom through hard work and dedication, and by avoiding dance floor injuries and the judge’s harsh critiques. The contestants are extreme cases of success, but I think it still proves to tweens that you can mold your own future. Aside from a few suggestive outfits and dance moves, So You Think You Can Dance is an excellent show the whole family can watch, and even place a few friendly wagers on, together.

(The image above shows Allison and Ivan two of my favorite dancers from Season 2.)

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