Sunday, July 25, 2010

I wanna re-do my room, by Clea Hantman

Recalling the day when I secretly started removing my pastel blue teddy bear wallpaper, I was instantly hooked on Hantman’s do-it-yourself guide. Hantman offers funky and fun ideas, like creating you own abstract masterpieces to hang on the wall and step-by-step instructions for t-shirt pillows. One of the best (and most hilarious) suggestions is adding a thought bubble above your favorite reading space. Write in one permanent thought or make it interchangeable. Best of all, she speaks to readers like she’s one of them: “If your room seems large and daunting, enlist a friend or three to help. Treat them to caramel white chocolate mochas before you start.”

This is one in a series of crafty books by Hantman, along with titles like I
wanna make my own clothing and I wanna make gifts. Before you cringe about your teen picking up a paintbrush and adding zebra stripes to her furniture, imagine the money you will save in not purchasing brand new furniture and accessories. Applaud your tween for their creativity and for escaping the conspicuous consumption and disposable goods mentality. And certainly read this book yourself: I wanna re-do my room is even great for adults like me who desperately need a refresher course on basic sewing and painting techniques.

Hantman, C. (2006).
I wanna re-do my room. Aladdin: New York, NY. ISBN 978-0689874635

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