Saturday, July 24, 2010

Adam Canfield of the Slash, by Michael Winerip

Soccer practice, jazz band rehearsal, Quiz Bowl Gladiator meet, running club, baritone lesson, school newspaper deadline. If this insane schedule sounds familiar to you or your child, this book will be a hit. Adam is constantly running late, trying to stay on top of his daily schedule, and has now begrudgingly accepted the position of co-editor for the school newspaper alongside his good friend Jennifer. Adam wonders if something has to give, and even considers giving up his favorite activity, reporting for the Slash. But after a meeting with the school principal, the Slash’s star reporters suspect a cover up at Harris Elementary/Middle School and Adam decides to give the story his all.

Impressively, Adam and Jennifer maintain a fraternal relationship and mutual respect for the other, at a time when society and media almost force tweens to explore their sexuality. Jennifer is almost the antithesis of a girly girl as a hard-nosed editor, playing basketball with Adam and, as he says, she isn’t “one of those annoying girls who spends their time on the computer filling in do-it-yourself romance sites for the boys they liked.”

While the cover art definitely has boy appeal, the point of view actually switches from Adam to Jennifer every few chapters. This is therefore a great book for both genders and allows the reader to explore the two personalities at the forefront of the story. At over 300 pages, Adam Canfield of the Slash isn’t the shortest of novels, but the action is so immediate and fact-paced (like Adam's crazy schedule) that readers won’t notice how quickly they reach the suspenseful end.

Winerip, M. (2005). Adam Canfield of the Slash. Candlewick Press: Cambridge, MA. ISBN 0-7636-2340-7

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